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​This is a new program for Rc3. Please bear with us in the event we have to make changes to this website and the information provided. 


A Fun Recreational Baseball Program for ages 4 through 12 years old. 
At Rc3, we seek to equip...elevate...encourage:   
  • Equip... passionate players through quality training by knowledgeable and experienced coaches  

  • Elevate... the game while preparing players for the next level   

  • Encourage... Christ-like character in players and the advancement of sports by offering affordable programs  


Registration: OPEN 1/20/2025 - 2/13/2025


Ages: Age 4-12 years old.

              4U T-ball (4 yr. old), 6U (5 - 6 yr. old), 8U (7-8 yr. old),

                    10U (9 –10 yr. old), 12U (11-12 yr. old)

              Based on age as of April 30, 2025.


Season Dates: 2/24/2025 - 5/3/2025

  • 2025 SEASON DATES: 

    • Feb. 13th - Free Clinic @ 5:30pm (Barnes Fields, Dayton City School)

    • Feb. 15th – Grading Day @1pm (Rhea County High School Indoor Facility)

    • Feb. 24th – First week of baseball practice!

    • Mar. 24th – First baseball games begin!

    • May. 1st – Last baseball game of the regular Season!

    • May. 3rd – End of Season Strawberry Tournament @Barnes Fields, Dayton City School. (To be Confirmed)


4U (4-year-olds) T-BALL:

  • $45.00 (Rc3 member)

  • $75.00 (non-member)


6u - 12u (5 yrs. - 12 yrs.):

  • $65.00 (Rc3 member)

  • $95.00 (non-member) 

*Financial assistance is available. Please ask the front desk staff for an application.

Refunds: Upon request, a full program refund can be issued IF uniforms have not been ordered. After
uniforms are ordered, the program fee will be refunded minus the uniform fee. No refund will be
issued for any reason after the 4th week of the program.



A free clinic is offered for all participants and potential participants.  Clinics are an opportunity for players to learn skills, meet coaches and other players and enjoy the game of baseball. It will be held at the Barnes Complex on Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025 at 5:30pm.


Grading Day: All 6U - 12U participants are asked to attend the grading day on Feb. 15 at 1 pm in the Rhea County High School Indoor Field (next to football field.)  Participants will be evaluated on baseball skills and athletic ability by the committee.  Results will be used by the baseball committee and coaches to help build equal teams.  4U WILL NOT participate in Grading Day.

Teams: The Baseball Committee and coaches will determine teams based on skill level. Team rosters will be determined by age division and the number of participants/teams. Special requests for coaches and/or teammates are NOT GUARANTEED.

Coaches/Refs: All coaches are volunteers.  If you are interested in coaching, please indicate that on your child’s registration form.  Coaches are always needed! Rc3 will provide an umpire(s) to officiate and supervise all games


Practices: 4U T-Ball will practice 1x per week on Mondays beginning Feb. 24 and will transition to games on Mondays beginning March 24th. 

6u - 12u practices will be every Tuesday and Thursday beginning the week of Feb. 24, 2025 until games begin the week of March 24th. All practices and games will be at Barnes Fields near DCS. 

Games: Games will be played on Mondays (4U) and Tuesdays and Thursdays (6U - 12U) beginning the week of March 24, 2025. No practices week of Spring Break unless the coach decides otherwise. A detailed schedule will be handed out once teams are set.  4u T-ball will be played only on Mondays. We will follow Dixie Youth rules as well as Rc3 DYB-specific rules.

*10U and 12U may have to travel up to 25 miles for a couple games depending on number of Rc3DYB teams in each age group.


All-Stars: We plan to have All-Star teams.

Uniform: Each participant will be given an Rc3 jersey and hat. Pants, belts, socks, cleats, helmets, gloves, and bats are provided by the player. If you need assistance with gear, please let Rc3 know.   

Pictures: Team and individual pictures will be taken during the season.  The picture order forms and schedule will be given out before the specified date.  Pictures are not included in the registration fee. Parents may order picture packages at additional cost if they choose. â€‹



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